Flip Chart Holders :
▪ Very economical paper holding system.
▪ Made of M.S. steel powder coated.
▪ Standard Size – 700 x 1000 mm
▪ Size of the holder is 600mm.
Flip Chart Papers :
▪ Used for mounting on flip chart holders.
▪ Thickness of the paper 75gms.
▪ Size of the paper is 585 X 900 mm.
Non Magnetic Marker Board Duster :
▪ Suitable for Non-Magnetic White Marker Boards.
▪ Wipes smoothly and Cleanly with the help of good quality felt cloth.
▪ Manufactured with best quality of plastic & felt.
▪ The size of the Duster is handy and can be kept easily in the pen Tray attached to the board.
Magnetic Board Duster :
▪ Suitable for Magnetic white Marker Boards & Ceramic white Boards.
▪ The Duster having magnetic property to hold them to remain fixed on the board.
▪ Wipes Smoothly and cleanly with the help of good quality felt cloth.
▪ Manufactured with best quality of Plastic & felt.
▪ The size of the Duster is handy is handy and can be kept easily in pen Try attached to the board.
Magnet Button :
▪ Round shaped magnetic push pins contains strong magnets to hold thick paper at a time.
▪ Sizes available :- 30 mm = 6 pcs / set & 40 mm = 4 pcs / set.
Push Pins :
▪ Top needle being chrome plated does not rust.
▪ Round thick diameter gives a better grip on the paper while pinning.
▪ Sets available of 12 pcs and 72 pcs in different colours.
Plastic Letters & Figures :
▪ Available in four sizes ie. 18mm, 24mm, 36mm in White colour.
▪ Letter Sets of 112 Alphbets & FIGURE Sets of 100 Numericals.
▪ All sets of Letters & Figures are Plastic box.
▪ Letters & Figures Sets are a available in English only.